Abnormal morphogenesis and bilateral symmetry of endoderm in m883 mutant embryos. Expression of foxA1 at 30 hpf (A,B) and ipf1 at 48 hpf (C,D) in wild-type (A,C) and m883 mutant embryos (B,D). foxA1 expression marks the endodermal sheet and forming rod during morphogenesis. While looping of the wild-type gut is visible at 30 hpf, the expression domain is forked more posteriorly and in a bilateral symmetric fashion in m883 mutant embryos. C,D: The expression of ipf1 in the duodenum and pancreas primordium reveals the looped gut at 48 hpf, with the pancreas to the right (here left due to ventral view; see arrow). In m883 mutant embryos, the expression of ipf1 is detected in a straight duodenum, which has not looped, and on both sides of the duodenum a residual pancreas anlage can be detected (arrows in D). A,B: Dorsal views, anterior at top; C,D: ventral views, anterior at top.