Fig. 7
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-050817-7
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- Sonawane et al., 2005 - Zebrafish penner/lethal giant larvae 2 functions in hemidesmosome formation, maintenance of cellular morphology and growth regulation in the developing basal epidermis
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The loss of lgl2 function leads to acquisition of migratory behaviour and epidermal cell proliferation. (A,B) Immunohistological staining in wild-type (A) and pen mutant (B) using anti keratin (Ks pan-8) antibody. Epidermal cells exhibiting keratin staining are never present in fin fold of wild-type larvae (A). By contrast, mutant larvae show presence of keratin-containing cells in fin folds (arrow in B). These cells are spindle shaped and appear to migrate from the lateral epidermis into fin folds. (C,D) Assessment of cell proliferation using BrdU incorporation assay. The number of proliferating cells in ventral epidermis is higher in pen mutant (D) than in wild type (C). BrdU-labelled cells in the boxed region (in C,D) were counted from 10 different larvae to quantify the increase in pen larvae (see text for details). Scale bar: 40 µm in A,B; 0.2 mm in C,D. |