Molecular Probes for zebrafish currently available:
Monoclonal antibodies that recognize a variety of structures in zebrafish embryos are available from the library in Eugene. Click here for a listing.
Antibodies can be ordered from the Zebrafish International Resource Center.
Additionally, we can be contacted at:
The Zebrafish International Resource Center 5274 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-5274
phone: 541-346-6028
fax: 541-346-6151
BAC libraries:
Two BAC libraries are currently available that have been constructed from Tu strain DNA, the same DNA currently be used for the Sanger Center genome sequencing project.
- CHORI-211 BAC library: The CHORI-211 BAC library was constructed by Chung Li Shu and Kazutoyo Osoegawa in Pieter J. de Jong’s laboratory at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute. Genomic DNA was isolated from testis of 6 males by Dr. Gerd-Joerg Rauch and partially digested with a combination of EcoRI and EcoRI Methylase. Size selected DNA was cloned into the pTARBAC2.1 vector between the EcoRI sites. The ligation products were transformed into DH10B electro-competent cells (BRL Life Technologies). The library has been arrayed into 384-well microtiter dishes and also gridded onto 6 22x22cm nylon high-density filters for screening by probe hybridization. Each hybridization membrane represents over 18,000 distinct zebrafish BAC clones, stamped in duplicate. Library construction was supported by sub-contracts from a grant awarded to Robert Geisler at The Max-Planck-Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Tübingen. For more information check:
- Daniokey BAC library:
The Daniokey BAC library, created by the Ronald
Plasterk Laboratory and Keygene N.V., is available
via the RZPD in
Berlin. The library is available as glycerol stocks,
filters, and PCR pools. It, too, was constructed
from Tu
strain genomic DNA. A partial HindIII digest
resulted in 104,064 BAC clones with an average insert
size of ~175 kb. The library provides approximately
10x coverage of the zebrafish genome.
- Other BAC libraries used in the Sanger project.
PAC library:
- BUSM1 PAC library. The BUSM1 PAC library was constructed by Chris Amemiya while he was at Boston University School of Medicine. The library was constructed using MboI partial digests of high molecular weight DNA from blood cells of ~ 200 individuals (AB strain) ligated to the BamHI sites of pCYPAC6 (GenBank AF133437). The library is archived in 271 384-well dishes. High-density filters and PCR-screenable pools for this library are available from the RZPD. In addition to the RZPD, numerous other labs have replicas of this library, including: Will Talbot, Steve Johnson, John Postlethwait, Len Zon, Marnie Halpern, Shuo Lin, and Didier Stanier. Copies of the library also exist in Japan and Europe. Special requests for pools for PCR screening and/or high density filters can be made to Chris Amemiya (
- The Zebrafish YAC Library, constructed by the Massachusetts General Hospital in collaboration with the MIT Center for Genome Research, is available from Research Genetics. The average insert size for the library is 480 kb. With approximately 19,000 clones, the library represents five zebrafish genome equivalents. Inserts were cloned into the EcoRI site of the pRML1 and pRML2 vector arms. J57D was used as the yeast host strain. Ref: T.P. Zhong, K. Kaphingst, U.Akella, M. Haldi, E.S. Lander and M. Fishman Genomics 48, 136-138 (1998).
cDNA libraries are available:
A random-primed shield-stage cDNA library, cloned into lambda ZAPII, and amplified from 6.5x106 independent recombinants is available from:
Michael Rebagliati
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Building 6B, Room 4B-422
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892
fax: (301) 496-0243
Embryonic cDNA libraries are unfortunately no longer available from David Grunwald or Bruce Appel.
If you know of any other sources, please contact us.