Molecular Probes for zebrafish currently available:

Monoclonal antibodies that recognize a variety of structures in zebrafish embryos are available from the library in Eugene. Click here for a listing.

Antibodies can be ordered from the Zebrafish International Resource Center.

Additionally, we can be contacted at:

The Zebrafish International Resource Center
5274 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5274

phone: 541-346-6028
fax: 541-346-6151

BAC libraries:

Two BAC libraries are currently available that have been constructed from Tu strain DNA, the same DNA currently be used for the Sanger Center genome sequencing project.

PAC library:

YAC library:

cDNA libraries are available:

A random-primed shield-stage cDNA library, cloned into lambda ZAPII, and amplified from 6.5x106 independent recombinants is available from:

Michael Rebagliati
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
Building 6B, Room 4B-422
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892
fax: (301) 496-0243

Embryonic cDNA libraries are unfortunately no longer available from David Grunwald or Bruce Appel.

If you know of any other sources, please contact us.