Zebrafish Anatomical Dictionary
Structure description: Hemal spines (of preural centra)
by Paula Mabee and Nathan C. Bird
Name: Hemal spines (preural)
Abbreviation: hs (pu)
Synonyms: none
![]() hypurals (larval, 5.8mm) |
![]() hypurals (adult) |
Description: The cartilaginous precursors of the hemal spines of preural centra develop as rods ventral to the preural centra and hemal arches. The hemal spine of pu1 will support fin rays of the caudal fin.
- Human: none
- Mouse: none
- Chicken: none
- Frog: none
- Fly: none
- First appears at: pu1 spine: early larval, 4.1mm; pu2 spine: early larval, 5.0mm
- Disappears (or changes name)by: present in adult
Parents (forms from): sclerotome
- Presumptive (thought to give rise to): present in adult
- Anlage (known to give rise to): present in adult
Group (member of):
- Anatomical (group member): caudal fin skeleton
- Functional (group member): unspecified
- Other: Alcian Blue (cartilage) and Alizarin Red (bone), as per the method of Dinkerkus and Uhler (1977) with modifications by Potthoff (1985).
- Primary: Mabee, P.M. and Bird, N.C. (2001) A preliminary description of the anatomy and development of the zebrafish axial skeleton. ZFIN Direct Data Submission.
Ferreri et al., J. Fish Biol. 56:1115-1128 (2000)
Dingerkus and Uhler, Stain Technology 52: 229-232 (1977).
Potthoff, In Ontogeny and Systematics of Fishes, vol. 1 (ed. H. G. Moser) Spec. Pub. Am. Soc. Icthyol. Herp, (1984).