

5 Day Ear Z Sections Movie

Image description by:
Tanya Whitfield

Anatomical structures shown: ear, sensory patches (maculae, cristae, lateral line neuromasts), semicircular canal tissue

Stage: day 5

Genetic (background) strain: none given

Genotype: wild-type

Animal state: fixed

Labeling: FITC-phalloidin

Description: Movie of confocal Z sections through the left ear of a zebrafish larva, from lateral to medial. In the first frames, the O1, O2 and MI2 neuromasts are visible on the skin. The lateral and anterior cristae are visible next; these are the most lateral sensory patches of the ear. In the next few frames, the MI1 neuromast comes into view on the skin over the dorsal part of the ear. Inside the ear, the posterior crista becomes visible, followed by the anterior macula on the ventral floor. Pillars of tissue defining the semicircular canals can be seen in the lumen of the ear. The posterior macula is the last sensory patch to come into view, lying on the medial wall of the ear. Pale tissue above the posterior macula is the hindbrain.

Publication containing this image: G. Kirk (unpublished)

Developmental Stage
1-cell to Adult
Preparation Image Form View Direction
whole-mount movie parasagittal anterior to left