ZFIN ID: ZDB-LAB-061120-1
Hutson Lab
PI/Director: Hutson, Lara
Contact Person: Hutson, Lara
Email: Lara.D.Hutson@williams.edu
URL: http://www.williams.edu/Biology/Faculty_Staff/lhutson/lhutson
Address: Department of Biology 59 Lab Campus Drive Williams College Williamstown, MA 01267
Country: United States
Phone: (413) 597-4508
Fax: (413) 597-3495
Line Designation: None assigned


We are interested in finding the genes that regulate neuronal growth cone behavior, in particular those that protect the growth cone from the effects of environmental stressors, during development of the zebrafish nervous system. Wiring of the nervous system is not an easy task, as the individual growth cones of several billion neurons – at least in the case of humans - must navigate through a complex and changing environment, often to multiple targets. To accomplish this difficult task, growth cones must be able to integrate multiple guidance signals, and in some cases change their responses to individual signals. These signals are ultimately transduced to the actin cytoskeleton, the regulation of which results in appropriately-directed growth. Not surprisingly, even small disruptions in the signaling involved in this process can result in navigational errors. However, multicellular organisms have seemingly evolved robust measures for correcting these errors (see Hutson and Chien, 2001), though the mechanisms are as yet unknown. Given the somewhat delicate balance that must be achieved by growth cones in order to navigate properly, they are surprisingly resistant to environmental stresors such as heat shock (L. Hutson, unpublished results). In other systems, small heat shock proteins (sHSPs), in particular HSP27, are well known for their roles in regulating actin dynamics and protecting cells from the effects heat shock. Because regulation and protection of the actin cytoskeleton are likely to be central to the robustness of growth cones, we are testing whether sHSPs similarly protect growth cones from heat stress.


Pickart, M.A., Liang, J., Hutson, L., Pierret, C. (2016) Swimming Against the Current: Zebrafish Help Address Educational Challenges. Zebrafish. 13:239-240
Lahvic, J.L., Ji, Y., Marin, P., Zuflacht, J.P., Springel, M.W., Wosen, J.E., Davis, L., Hutson, L.D., Amack, J.D., and Marvin, M.J. (2013) Small heat shock proteins are necessary for heart migration and laterality determination in zebrafish. Developmental Biology. 384(2):166-180
Khan, T.M., Benaich, N., Malone, C.F., Bernardos, R.L., Russell, A.R., Downes, G.B., Barresi, M.J., and Hutson, L.D. (2012) Vincristine and bortezomib cause axon outgrowth and behavioral defects in larval zebrafish. Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS. 17(1):76-89
McKeown, K.A., Downes, G.B., and Hutson, L.D. (2009) Modular laboratory exercises to analyze the development of zebrafish motor behavior. Zebrafish. 6(2):179-185
Barresi, M.J., Farber, S.A., Hutson, L.D., Hyde, D.R., Liang, J.O., and Morris, J.K. (2008) Zebrafish in the Classroom. Zebrafish. 5(3):205-208
Marvin, M., O'Rourke, D., Kurihara, T., Juliano, C.E., Harrison, K.L., and Hutson, L.D. (2008) Developmental expression patterns of the zebrafish small heat shock proteins. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 237(2):454-463
Elicker, K.S., and Hutson, L.D. (2007) Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the small heat shock proteins in zebrafish. Gene. 403(1-2):60-69
Barresi, M.J., Hutson, L.D., Chien, C.B., and Karlstrom, R.O. (2005) Hedgehog regulated Slit expression determines commissure and glial cell position in the zebrafish forebrain. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(16):3643-3656
Miyasaka, N., Sato, Y., Yeo, S.Y., Hutson, L.D., Chien, C.B., Okamoto, H., and Yoshihara, Y. (2005) Robo2 is required for establishment of a precise glomerular map in the zebrafish olfactory system. Development (Cambridge, England). 132(6):1283-1293
Hutson, L.D., Jurynec, M.J., Yeo, S.Y., Okamoto, H., and Chien, C.B. (2003) Two divergent slit1 genes in zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 228(3):358-369
Hutson, L.D. and Chien, C.-B. (2002) Wiring the zebrafish: axon guidance and synaptogenesis. Current opinion in neurobiology. 12(1):87-92
Hutson, L.D. and Chien, C.-B. (2002) Pathfinding and Error Correction by Retinal Axons: The Role of astray/robo2. Neuron. 33(2):205-217
Hutson, L.D. and Chien, C.-B. (2001) Error correction in axon guidance: astray/Robo-2 is required during development of the zebrafish retinotectal pathway. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 15(5):A1071