ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-140321-1
Neugebauer, Karla
Email: karla.neugebauer@yale.edu
URL: http://medicine.yale.edu/lab/neugebauer/index.aspx
Address: Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry Yale University 333 Cedar Street, SHM C123 P.O. Box 208024 New Haven, CT 06520-8024
Phone: +1 (203) 785-3322
Fax: +1 (203) 785-7979


Rodenfels, J., Neugebauer, K.M. (2021) Calorimetric Heat Dissipation Measurements of Developing Zebrafish Embryos. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2329:311-321
Rodenfels, J., Sartori, P., Golfier, S., Nagendra, K., Neugebauer, K., Howard, J. (2020) Contribution of increasing plasma membrane to the energetic cost of early zebrafish embryogenesis. Molecular biology of the cell. 31(7):520-526
Rodenfels, J., Neugebauer, K.M., Howard, J. (2019) Heat Oscillations Driven by the Embryonic Cell Cycle Reveal the Energetic Costs of Signaling. Developmental Cell. 48(5):646-658.e6
Despic, V., Neugebauer, K.M. (2018) RNA tales - how embryos read and discard messages from mom. Journal of Cell Science. 131(5)
Despic, V., Dejung, M., Butter, F., Neugebauer, K.M. (2017) Analysis of RNA-protein interactions in vertebrate embryos using UV crosslinking approaches. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 126:44-53
Despic, V., Dejung, M., Gu, M., Krishnan, J., Zhang, J., Herzel, L., Straube, K., Gerstein, M.B., Butter, F., Neugebauer, K.M. (2017) Dynamic RNA-protein interactions underlie the zebrafish maternal-to-zygotic transition. Genome research. 27(7):1184-1194
Heyn, P., Salmonowicz, H., Rodenfels, J., Neugebauer, K.M. (2017) Activation of transcription enforces the formation of distinct nuclear bodies in zebrafish embryos. RNA Biology. 14(6):752-760
Heyn, P., Neugebauer, K.M. (2017) Purification of Zygotically Transcribed RNA through Metabolic Labeling of Early Zebrafish Embryos. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1605:121-131
Heyn, P., Kircher, M., Dahl, A., Kelso, J., Tomancak, P., Kalinka, A.T., and Neugebauer, K.M. (2014) The earliest transcribed zygotic genes are short, newly evolved, and different across species. Cell Reports. 6(2):285-292