Fig. 2

Figures for Liu et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 BF170 induces the emergence of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. (A) BF170 increased expression of both cmyb and runx1 in the whole zebrafish embryos (red arrowheads indicate positive signals). Box and whisker plot shows the quantification of runx1 and cmyb expression in the control and in the BF170-treated embryos, respectively. (B) BF170 increased expression of both cmyb and runx1 in flk1+cmyb+ double-positive cells. (C) BF170 expanded flk1+runx1+ double-positive cells in Tg (flk1: mCherry/runx1: GFP) embryos (white arrowheads indicate double-positive cells). Box and whisker plot shows the quantification of flk1+cmyb+ cells in the control and in the BF170-treated embryos. (D) BF170 increased expression of fli1a, flk1 and efnb2a (ephrin B2a), rather than flt4, in the whole embryos. Box and whisker plot shows the quantification of vessel marker gene expression in the control and in the BF170-treated embryos. (E,F) BF170 increased proliferation of runx1+ (F) and cmyb+ (E) cells in the whole embryos (white arrowheads indicate double-positive cells). (G,H) Quantification of cmyb+BrdU+ (G) and runx1+BrdU+ (H) double-positive cells in control and in BF170-treated embryos. Nchanged/Ntotal in the bottom right corner of each image in A and D indicates embryos with changed expression/total tested embryos; n values in A and D indicate the number of embryos with changed expression in each group. Images are lateral views, anterior to the left and dorsal upwards. Each experiment was repeated three times. Data are mean±s.d. In the box and whisker plots, the boxes indicate mean and the error bars indicate s.d. Whiskers indicate min to max values and all data points are shown. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. Scale bars: 100 μm.

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