Fig 8

Figures for Islam et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig 8 Apoptosis and proliferation are not affected in adad1 mutants.

A-F: Cell death assays in 60 dpf adad1Y67X wild-type and mutant testes. Neither TUNEL assays (A,B,E) nor cleaved-Caspase 3 immunofluorescence (B,D,F) showed a significant difference between wild-type and mutant testes. Arrowheads indicate examples of TUNEL and cleaved-Caspase3 positive cells. G-P: Cell proliferation assay in 45 dpf testes using BrdU labeling. Fish were treated overnight with BrdU then waited for 6 hours without BrdU prior to fixation (G). Immunostaining was done with BrdU, Ddx4/Vasa, and Sycp3 antibodies to detect proliferating spermatogonia. Spermatogonia were identified as Ddx4/Vasa positive and Sycp3 negative (arrowheads, H-O). Quantification of the percentage of BrdU positive spermatogonia showed no significant difference between wild-types and mutants (P). SG = spermatogonia. Scale bar: 20 μm.

Figure Data
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