Figure 3

Figures for Liu et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Retarded growth and accumulated adiposity observed in vdra-/- ;vdrb-/- zebrafish. (A) Comparison of the morphological features of mutants and control siblings at 100 dpf; (B–E) The body length and weight of the mutant lines and control siblings. (B, C) showed the zebrafish at 30dpf and (D, E) showed the zebrafish at 100dpf. (F) The total lipid levels of male mutants and controls at 100 dpf; controls, n = 15; vdra-/-;vdrb-/- , n = 12; vdra -/-;vdrb +/-, n = 12; vdra +/-;vdrb -/-, n = 16; (G) The levels of triglycerides in the liver of mutants and control siblings at 100 dpf; (H). Neutral lipids of juvenile mutants and size-matched controls (both with a standard length of 7.6 mm) were stained with Nile Red and viewed with stereoscope. The visceral adipose tissue was labeled by the surrounded dashed line. The bars with different letters indicated significant difference (p<0.05).

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