Figure 3

Figures for Ahmad-Mansour et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Infected zebrafish embryos display an increased level of survival when infected with the SA564 ΔsapS mutant. Kaplan–Meier graphic represents the survival of infected zebrafish embryos after injection in the duct of Cuvier with SA564 (black symbols), SA564 ΔsapS (blue symbols), and SA564 ΔsapS::sapS (grey symbols) strains at 3 × 102 CFU/nL grown in exponential phase, or PBS (negative control) The proportion of surviving embryos (n = 50 for each, indicative of three different experiments) is represented. **, p < 0.01, ns, not significant (Log-rank Mantel–Cox statistical test). hpi, hours post-infection.

Figure Data
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