Fig. 5

Figures for Hattab et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

FIG 5 Iron homeostasis contributes to P. aeruginosa-mediated synergy with FLC during infection. (A) FeCl3 supplementation partially reverses P. aeruginosa-FLC synergy in vivo. Zebrafish injected with indicated microbes in the swimbladder with or without the indicated amounts of FeCl3.(2 or 4 pmol). Data pooled from 4 independent experiments. (B) Hyphal growth during infection was scored using double-blind methodology. Representative images of each score: 0-no hyphal growth; 1- < 10% coverage of swimbladder; 2- 10-50% coverage of swimbladder; 3- > 50% coverage of swimbladder. (C) FeCl3 supplementation is associated with stronger hyphal growth in vivo. Data shown are the medians with interquartile ranges from three experiments. (D) Representative images of scored hyphal growth in the swimbladder at 24 hpi. Shown are median fish from each cohort. (E) FLC treatment has no loss of effectiveness in co-infections with P. aeruginosa siderophore mutant. Scale bars = 100 μm. (p > 0.05 NS; < 0.05 *; <0.01 **; <0.001 ***; <0.0001 ****).

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