Fig. 2

Figures for Alba-González et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Western blot results for the different protein homogenates employed from zebrafish (ZF and S), Wistar rat (Rat) and gray mullet (Mu). Two zebrafish brain extracts (ZF1 and ZF3) show three Nrgn-ir bands of about 13, 20 and 37 kDa. Note the absence of the 37-kDa band in the zebrafish brain extract lacking the telencephalic lobes (ZF2). In zebrafish spleen homogenate (S), no Nrgn-ir bands were observed. Immunoblotting with anti-Nrgn-antiserum was also analyzed in parallel in brain extracts of Wistar rat (R. norvegicus) and gray mullet (Mu; C. labrosus)

Figure Data
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