Fig. S1

Figures for McGraw et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. S1

lef1nl2 mutants lack terminal NMs and have a truncated pLL nerve. (A,B) Wild-type sibling and lef1nl2 mutant larvae at 4 dpf. The pLL nerve is visualized by expression of the TgBAC(neurod:EGFP) transgene. NMs are labeled with DASPEI. (A) Wild-type embryo contains NMs L1-L5, a secondary (2°) NM and the terminal cluster (tc). (B) lef1nl2 mutant contains NMs L1-L5 and a 2° NM, but lacks a terminal cluster (tc). In addition, the lef1nl2 mutant has a truncated pLL nerve (white arrow). (C,D) Functional hair cells in the final deposited NM labeled with FM 1-43 (red) in wild-type (C) and lef1nl2 larvae (D) at 4 dpf. Nuclei are labeled with DAPI. (E) Quantification of FM 1-43-labeled hair cells showing no significant difference between wild-type and mutant larvae (F) Average number of DAPI-labeled nuclei per NM in wild-type and lef1nl2 (n=6, mean ± s.e.m.). Scale bar: 20 μm.

Figure Data
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