Fig. 2

Sun et al., 2024 - Genetically encoded lizard color divergence for camouflage and thermoregulation
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Fig. 2

Functional determination of camouflage and thermoregulation in lizards from the dune and alpine meadow populations with different dorsal coloration. a) Reflectance spectra of the natural substrate and dorsal skin of lizards from the dune and meadow populations under natural light in the field. Each line indicates an individual or a natural substrate in the field. b) The difference in reflectance spectra between the natural substrate and dorsal skin of lizards from the dune and alpine meadow populations. Data are shown as mean ± SE. (c) The percentage of lizards attacked by avian and mammalian predators in dune and alpine meadow habitats, respectively. Numbers above the columns indicate the sample size of attacked models against the initial set. d, e) Substrate surface temperatures (Tsurface), air temperatures (Tair), and active body temperatures of lizards (Tb) in natural habitats of alpine meadow and dune. Each diamond indicates a Tb from an active individual, and Tsurface and Tair are shown as mean ± SE.

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