Fig. 2

Zou et al., 2023 - Determining zebrafish dorsal organizer size by a negative feedback loop between canonical/non-canonical Wnts and Tlr4/NFκB
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Fig. 2

Specific rel MO reveals that Rel restricts dorsal organizer formation.

a Rel is a main NFκB acting in early zebrafish embryos. WISH for dGFP in NFκB-tkP:dGFP-transgenic embryos injected with control MO (ctrl MO) or rel MO at dome stage, animal view. Scale bar = 200 μm. b–drel MO leads to expansion of organizer size and dorsal tissue in wild-type (WT) embryos whereas rela compensates the loss of rel in MZrel embryos. WISH for (b) dharma, chordin, and (c) vent (ventral marker) in WT and maternal-zygotic rel mutants (MZrel) embryos injected with ctrl MO, rel MO or rela MO at 30% epiboly. Animal views with dorsal to the right. Scale bar = 200 μm. Box plots of the angle of marker genes show first and third quartile, median is represented by a line, whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum. Each dot represents one embryo. P-values from two-tailed one-way ANOVAs with Sidak correction are indicated. ns: not significant (p > 0.05). d Representative pictures of 27 hpf WT and MZrel larvae injected with ctrl MO, rel MO or rela MO. The strength of dorsalization was scored. The loss of ventral tail fin is indicated with red arrowheads. Lateral views with anterior to the left. Scale bar = 200 μm. erela is upregulated in MZrel but not rel morphants. qPCR analysis for expression of rela in MZrel or rel morphants at sphere stage. Normalized values are shown as means ± SEM. n = 3, biologically independent samples. P-values from unpaired two-tailed t-tests are indicated. f Model of the mechanism of rela-mediated genetic compensation and the specific inhibition by rel MO. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

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