- Title
Innervation modulates the functional connectivity between pancreatic endocrine cells
- Authors
- Yang, Y.H.C., Briant, L.J.B., Raab, C.A., Mullapudi, S.T., Maischein, H.M., Kawakami, K., Stainier, D.Y.R.
- Source
- Full text @ Elife
Pancreatic islet cell activity is visualized in vivo with preserved vascular and neural networks. |
Pancreatic nerves display differential interactions with islet cell types. |
Chronic inhibition of synaptic transmission disrupts islet cell activity. |
Zebrafish at 100 hpf were treated with 75 mM glucose in egg water for 1 hr. Whole larva-free glucose-level measurements at 101 hpf; mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM), |
Average homotypic (delta–delta and alpha–alpha) and heterotypic (alpha–delta) cell correlation coefficients with cell distance distribution from 1 (close) to 10 (far), mean and linear regression (solid lines) with 95% confidence intervals; |
Calcium peak frequency, height, and duration (FWHM, full width half max) were analyzed for delta cells in individual animals; |
Targeted ablation studies reveal the crucial role of peri-islet neurons for islet cell activity. |
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Calcium peak frequency, height, and duration (FWHM, full width half max) were analyzed for delta cells ( |
Acute optogenetic inhibition of neurotransmitter release disrupts islet cell activity. |
(A) Swimming activity of Tg(elavl3:sypb-miniSOG2-P2A-mScarlet) zebrafish at 110 hpf was tracked pre- and post-blue light exposure for 5 min. Green lines show tracks at the end of the time-lapse. (B, C) Quantification of swimming activity of Tg(elavl3:sypb-miniSOG2-P2A-mScarlet) zebrafish at 110 hpf; mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM), n = 21–23 animals, p values from two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Holm–Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. (D) Schematic of optogenetic neural inhibition experiment. |
Average homotypic (delta–delta and alpha–alpha) and heterotypic (delta–beta and alpha–delta) cell correlation coefficients with cell distance distribution from 1 (close) to 10 (far), mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) and linear regression (solid lines) with 95% confidence intervals; |
Graphical abstract summarizing the research findings. Neuromodulation, with varying temporal and spatial specificity, provides useful insights into the role of neurons in regulating homotypic and heterotypic activity coupling between pancreatic islet cells. Green check marks indicate when significant defects were observed in correlation-based analysis across the whole islet. Blue check marks indicate when significant defects were observed in fraction time analysis between nearest neighbors. |