Fig. 5

Figures for Töpf et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 5 Transcriptome analysis of mutant zebrafish larvae.

a, Number of DE genes between WT and double mutant (top: srpk3/; ttn.1+/; n = 794), srpk3-null (middle: srpk3/; ttn.1+/+; n = 572) and heterozygous ttn.1 (bottom: srpk3+/+; ttn.1+/; n = 128) zebrafish. Upregulated genes are in blue and downregulated genes are in red. b, GO term enrichment analysis. GO term enrichment was done using the topGO package using a one-sided Fisher’s exact test without adjustment for multiple testing. The top enriched GO terms (P < 0.001) for the three comparisons in a ordered by −log10(P). The bars are colored according to the GO domain. Blue indicates BP; orange indicates CC; green indicates MF. c, ClueGO network diagram showing the overlap in enriched GO terms between double mutant (srpk3/; ttn.1+/) and srpk3-null (srpk3/; ttn.1+/+). Nodes represent individual enriched GO terms; edges connect nodes that share annotated genes from the DE genes. Nodes are colored according to the contribution to the enrichment from DE genes from each comparison. Blue indicates >60% DE genes from the srpk3/; ttn.1+/ comparison; red indicates >60% DE genes from srpk3/; ttn.1+/+; purple indicates 40–60% from each comparison. BP, biological process; CC, cellular component; MF, molecular function.

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