Fig. 2

Figures for Jackson et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

In silico protein modeling of pathogenic/likely pathogenic non-truncating TSPEAR variants

(A) Left shows the AlphaFold-predicted structure of TSPEAR with all missense/in-frame indels plotted; note the propensity for these to affect the ?-propeller. Right shows the surface of the predicted TSPEAR structure showing overall charge. Note the pocket of negative charge (red) within the inner surface of the ?-propeller. Conservation scores are shown below mapped to the predicted structure surface showing conservation of the residues (purple) within the inner surface of the ?-propeller.

(B) Molecular models for all missense/in-frame indels in this study produced by Modeller 9.24. Steric clashes are shown by red discs. Yellow dotted lines indicated interacting residues.

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