Fig. 1
Generation of atg13 knock out zebrafish line. (A) Schematic showing location of 5 bp deletion in atg13 knockout line and generation of premature STOP codon, with black lines representing exons. Key domains within atg13 highlighted; LIR, Lc3?interacting region; MIM, Microtubule interacting motif. (B) Immunoblot showing loss of atg13 expression in atg13 homozygous mutant. (C) Lateral widefield images of atg13 zebrafish larvae at 5 dpf. Orange arrowheads indicate phenotypic differences in development between wt and atg13 mutants (from left to right: bent body axis, uninflated swim bladder and shorter body length). Scale bar = 500 µm. (D) Graph showing whole body length of atg13 larvae from 1?5 dpf. Student's t?test performed at 5 dpf between wt and atg13 mutant, *p = .0013. (E) Kaplan?Meier graph showing survival of larvae up to 20 dpf