Figure Caption
Fig. 5
Definitive hematopoiesis in zebrafish is normal when DHX15 or DHX15 R222G is overexpressed. WISH analysis of definitive hematopoietic markers: cmyb (A?A??), hbae1 (B?B??), mpx (C?C??), and rag1 (D?D??). Embryos from wildtype, Tg(hsp: DHX15), and Tg(hsp: DHX15 R222G) zebrafish were heat?shocked at 38? for 2 h every day since 25 hours post fertilization (hpf). DHX15, Tg(hsp: DHX15); DHX15 R222G, Tg(hsp: DHX15 R222G). Black arrows indicate caudal hematopoietic tissue; red arrowheads indicate thymus. hpf, hours post fertilization; WISH, whole?mount in situ hybridization
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