Figure 2

Figures for Dasyani et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Generation and analysis of elovl2 crispants. (A) ω-3 and ω-6 PUFA elongation pathway. (B) Workflow for creating biallelic elovl2 mutants (‘crispants’) in zebrafish using CRISPR/Cas. (C) Significantly changed lipids in elovl2 crispants at days 2 and 7. In particular, all lipids containing DHA are significantly less abundant in elovl2 crispants at both days 2 and 7. (D) Relative abundance of PUFAs in control and elovl2 crispants shows lower abundance of products and elongated products of Elovl2. *** p < 0.005; ns—not significant.

Figure Data
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