Fig. 3
Dorsal hindbrain is aberrant in rfx4 mutant embryos by 24 hpf. WISH was used to visualize gene expression patterns in rfx4uw8013 homozygotes vs rfx4uw8013/?+?sibling embryos, which develop normally, at 24 hpf. zic2a expression is reduced in the mutant dorsal hindbrain by 18 s (A,B) and remains depleted at 24 hpf (C,D). E,F: wnt3a expression is unaffected in midbrain, but reduced in hindbrain of mutant embryos. G,H: pax7a expression is unaffected in the alar plate of the midbrain and hindbrain in mutant embryos. I,J: dbx1a expression in the diencephalon and in the midbrain/hindbrain basal plate is likewise unaffected in mutants. mb, midbrain; hb, hindbrain; open arrowheads, optic stalk expression; arrows, depleted hindbrain expression.