Fig. 6
Fig. 6
Expression of rprm genes during zebrafish gut development and human intestinal tissue.
(A-F) Lateral views of whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) at 72hpf. (A-B) WISH for two well-known gut markers (A) platelet-derived growth factor receptor (pdgfrβ), (B) smooth muscle actin (sm22, also known as transgelin1), and the rprm genes (C) rprm3, (D) rprma (E) rprmb and (F) rprml. At 3dpf, rprma/-b and rprml are expressed in the embryonic intestinal tube. At the same developmental stage, there is a lack of expression of rprm3 in the intestinal tissue (C, asterisk). (G-I) Lateral cross sections of the zebrafish gut, anterior to the left. (J-J') RPRM IHC staining (400x; inset magnification 600x) showing nuclear positive expression in enterocytes at the base of the intestinal crypts. (K-K') RPRM IHC, (400x; inset magnification 600x) showing nuclear positive expression in smooth muscle cells from the muscularis propria of the small intestine.