Fig. 1
p120 catenin δ1 is the predominant p120 catenin mRNA in early developing embryos. Real-time PCR was used to make a quantitative analysis of relative expression levels of p120 catenin δ1, p120 catenin δ2a, and ARVCF at various stages from 500-cell to 12-somite embryos of developing zebrafish. Relative amounts were calculated using the 2-ΔΔC(t) method to standardize target gene expression to an endogenous standard (EF-1α). Plotted values represent the mean of all 2Standarized ΔC(t) for a developmental stage and primer combination, ± 2 s.e.m. See Supp. Figure S1 for more details. For most stages and primer combinations N = 6.