Fig. 1
Blockage of Eph signaling disrupts laterality development in zebrafish embryos. Wild-type embryos treated with LCA or injected with s-efnb2a mRNA were analyzed. (A,A′) Defects in heart looping as visualized by cmlc2 expression at 48hpf. Different types of looping are shown in ventral view (A) and the proportions of embryos exhibiting each type are shown in the graph (A′). (B,B′) Defects in laterality of liver (l) and pancreas (p) as visualized by foxa3 expression at 48hpf, shown in dorsal view (B) with quantitative data shown in the graph (B′). (C,C′) Defects in KV at 10 SS. The tail region was viewed dorsally (C) with visible KV indicated by arrowheads. The proportions of embryos exhibiting each phenotype are shown in the graph (C′). (D,D′) Defects in DFCs aggregation as visualized by sox17 expression at 75% ES. The representative types of embryos are shown in D with the proportions of embryos exhibiting each type shown in D′. a, atrium; g, gut/intestine; v, ventricle; n, number of embryos observed.