Fig. 4
Zebrafish fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants are glucocorticoid deficient.
A, fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants have impaired visual-mediated adaption. When exposed to a lighter environment, fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants are darker in appearance when compared with control siblings, which had a least 1 wild-type allele (fdx1b+/+ or fdx1bUOB205/+). B, Cortisol concentrations were determined from fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutant larvae (fdx1bUOB205) and sibling controls (sib) under basal and stressed conditions. Cortisol was not detected (nd) from fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants under basal conditions. Concentrations were determined from 3 independent replicates and are expressed as picograms per larva (mean ± SD). C, Treatment of fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants with the glucocorticoid agonist dexamethasone (DEX) restored the light adaptation phenotype in contrast to ethanol-treated controls (EtOH). mRNA expression of glucocorticoid response genes (D) pck1 and (E) fkbp5 in fdx1bUOB205 homozygous mutants and control siblings under basal and stressed conditions. Graphs represent mean relative expression ± SEM (normalized to gapdh). F, Quantitative real-time expression of pomca in fdx1bUOB205/UOB205 mutants relative to control siblings. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA; *, P < .05; **, P < .01; ***, P < .001.