Fig. 6
Knockdown of klf8 results in reduced expression of reelin, but not atoh1a, in the cerebellum. (A?D) Similar expression patterns of atoh1a were observed in WT embryos (A), and embryos injected with klf8-4mmMO1 (B), klf8-MO1atg (C), or both klf8-MOAC and klf8-MODO (D) at 24 hpf. (E?H) Similar expression patterns of atoh1a were observed in WT embryos (E), and embryos injected with klf8-4mmMO1 (F), klf8-MO1atg (G), or both klf8-MOAC and klf8-MODO (H) at 48 hpf. (I-L) Expression of reelin in the cerebella at 72 hpf is decreased in embryos injected with klf8-MO1atg (K, arrowhead) or co-injected with klf8-MOAC and klf8-MODO (L, arrowhead) as compared with WT embryos (I) or embryos injected with klf8-4mmMO1 (J). (M) Percentage of embryos of the indicated backgrounds exhibiting decreased reelin expression as compared to control embryos. Dorsal views of embryos are shown. Significance was determined using Student′s t-test. ***p < 0.001. Error bars indicate standard errors. Cb, cerebellum; LRL, lower rhombic lip; URL, upper rhombic lip.