Fig. 2
FurinA Is Required Cell-Autonomously to Process Spaw and to Confer Its Long-Range Signaling Activity
(A) Schematic of the transplantation procedure.
(B and C) Both MZspaw-/- (B) and MZaoh-/- (C) embryos fail to express spaw in the left LPM at 18 somites.
(D) ISH for spaw (blue staining) with immunolabeling for transplanted cells (red staining). Transplantation of spaw-injected spaw-/- cells (yellow clone, red outline) in MZspaw-/- resulted in the rescue of spaw expression in the left LPM several cell diameters away from the transplanted clone.
(E) Transplantation of cells injected with RNA of a noncleavable form of spaw (yellow clone, purple outline) in MZspaw-/- failed to induce of spaw expression in the left LPM.
(F) Transplantation of spaw-injected spaw-/- cells (yellow clone, red outline) in MZaoh-/- resulted in induction of spaw expression in the left LPM several cell diameters away from the transplanted clone.
(G) Spaw-injected aoh-/- cells (green clone, red outline) in MZspaw-/- were unable to induce spaw expression in the left LPM. In all schematics, MZspaw-/- cells appear in yellow and MZaoh-/- cells in green.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 32(5), Tessadori, F., Noël, E.S., Rens, E.G., Magliozzi, R., Evers-van Gogh, I.J., Guardavaccaro, D., Merks, R.M., Bakkers, J., Nodal Signaling Range Is Regulated by Proprotein Convertase-Mediated Maturation, 631-9, Copyright (2015) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell