Fig. 4
FIGs are required for both ciliogenesis and cilia organization. (A-H) Cilia of the pronephric duct were stained with anti-Arl13b antibodies (green) and the basal bodies were stained with antibodies to γ-tubulin (red) in 24hpf embryos. (A) Long cilia of uniform length and orientation are visible in a wild-type embryo. (B-G) Six morphants exhibited shortening of pronephric cilia at 24hpf. (H) The knockdown of mustn1a caused curling of cilia (arrows) and a disorganization of the γ-tubulin (arrowheads). Scale bar: 10μm. (I) Measurements of ciliary length in wild-type versus morphant embryos for six genes reveals the extent of ciliary shortening in the morphants. Error bars represent s.e.m. ***P<5.0×107 (Student′s t-test, two-tailed, P-values are listed in supplementary material Table S3); n≥30.