Fig. 8 Birc5b localizes to cortical microtubule tips and co-localizes with F-actin and germ plasm RNPs.
High magnifications of animal views of blastodisc cortex. In wild-type embryos, Birc5b (B, L) localizes to monoaster microtubule tips (A, C, K, M, arrows) and polymerizing F-actin (D, E). In motley/birc5b mutants (F–J) Birc5b co-localizes with polymerizing F-actin (I, J), but as tips of the microtubules are not seen at the cortex (F), co-localization to the microtubule tip is not observed. Birc5b at the microtubule tips (K, M arrow) co-localizes with GP RNPs in wild-type embryos (N, O). In motley/birc5b mutants (P–T), microtubule tips are not seen at the cortex (P) but Birc5b continues to localize with GP RNPs (S, T).