Fig. 4
Fig. 4
ponzr1 is required for correct kidney patterning by pax2a. (A) pax2a mRNA expression in anterior pronephric tubules (arrows) at 18S. (B) Expanded expression of pax2a at 18S (arrows) in ponzr1 morphants. (C) Wild-type expression of pax2a in the anterior pronephric tubules (arrows) at 24 hpf. (D) ponzr1 morphants show expanded/ectopic pax2a expression toward the midline at 24 hpf (arrow). (E) Wild-type pax2a at 21S (arrows). (F,G) ponzr1 morphants show a pax2a phenotype intermediate 18S and 24 hpf where the invagination (F) of pax2a-expressing cells and the start of the midline fusion (G) can be seen. (H) Wild-type pax2a at 3 dpf. (I) ponzr1 morphants show a maintenance of the ectopic midline expression of pax2a (arrow). (J) Ectopic pax2a phenotype is seen using two independent ponzr1 morpholinos but not in ponzr1 mismatch control. (K) Ectopic pax2a phenotype is rescued using ponzr1 mRNA (P<0.001) but not dsRed mRNA. (L-O) wt1a (L) and podocin (N) mark future podocytes with two distinct expression domains at 24 hpf in controls (arrows). A single midline wt1a (M) and podocin (O) expression domain is seen in ponzr1 morphants at 24 hpf. (P,Q) wt1a phenotype is seen with two ponzr1 morpholinos (P) and can be rescued using ponzr1 mRNA (Q, P<0.001). (R,S) cdh17 expression is detected in the pronephric ducts (R, arrows) and tubules at 48 hpf in controls but is expanded in the pronephric ducts (S, arrows) in ponzr1 morphants at 48 hpf. ***P<0.001