Fig. 6
The requirement of tof/fezl in establishing ngn1-expressing DA progenitor domains. (A–D) ngn1 expression in 20-somite wild-type sibling and the tof mutant embryos shows that ngn1 expression in the basal forebrain (arrows) is reduced at 20 somites (A and B) but appears normal at 28 hpf (C and D). (E and F) ngn1 expression is largely absent in the basal forebrain of tof/fezl morphant. (G and H) TH and tof/fezl in situ (both purple) shows that, although TH+ DA neurons are largely absent, the fezl expression appears normal in the ngn1 mutant. di, diencephalon; t, telencephalon. (Scale bars, 32 μm in G and H and 64 μm in A–F.)