Fig. 1

Figures for Liu et al., 2003
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 Expression of cadherin-1 message (cdh1; A,B), cadherin-4 immunoreactivity (Cdh4; C,D), and cadherin-11 message (cdh11; E?H) in the pectoral limb buds and fins in developing zebrafish. A?D are cross-sections of the limb buds (dorsal up). E and F are lateral views of the limb buds of whole-mount embryos (anterior to the left and dorsal up). G and H are horizontal sections of the pectoral fins (anterior to the left). The labeling of the epidermal tissue in D (arrowhead) is nonspecific, as demonstrated by experiments in which the epidermal labeling persisted while specific staining in the central nervous system was eliminated when the Cdh4 antibody had been preincubated with excess Cdh4 peptide used to generate the antibody (arrowhead in the insert; Liu et al., 2001a, b). The black arrow in E points to a few cdh11-positive cells. The white arrows in F indicate cdh11 staining in the proximal regions of the limb bud. The insert in G is a higher magnification of the basal region of the limb pectoral fin in G. cc, chondrogenic condensation; cl, cleithrum; dm, dorsal musculature; dmm, dorsal myogenic mesenchyme; ed, endoskeletal disc; vm, ventral musculature; vmm, ventral myogenic mesenchyme.

Figure Data
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