Fig. 7
BMP regulates posterior mesoderm cells of the tailbud to inhibit secondary tail formation. (A-J) All panels show the midline section of tails of Tg(flh:EGFP)-expressing zebrafish embryos (green) at the indicated time points after anti-Tbx6 (red) immunostaining. Tbx6-positive mesoderm cells in mfn embryos (B) shows detention in the posterior tailbud, when compared with wild-type embryos (A) at the same stage. A more wild-type-like movement of posterior mesoderm cells in kny embryos is shown in F and H. Note that eventually ectopic Tbx6-positive mesoderm cells are shown in the secondary tail domain of mfn (D) and kny (J) embryos. Arrowheads mark the ventroposterior mesoderm cells in the taillbud. All tails are flat mounted laterally.