Fig. 7 Expression of candidate genes in the pectoral fin bud. (A, B) Lateral view and (C, D) dorsal view of klf2b expression. In wild-type embryos, klf2b was expressed in the mesenchyme of the pectoral fin bud and in the adjacent cleithrum (A, C). Expression in the pectoral fin bud was not detected in double mutants (B, D). Expression of klf2b in the cleithrum was not affected in the mutant. Expression of EST AI722369 was observed in the presumptive muscle in the pectoral fin bud (E). AI722369 expression did not appear in sox9a;sox9b double mutant embryos (F). Lateral view of sox9a (G) and sox9b (H) expression. At this stage, sox9a was expressed in an L-shape in the pectoral fin bud (G), and sox9b expression appeared more broadly in the pectoral fin bud (H). cl, cleithrum; co, scapulocoracoid; ed, endochondral disc; pf, pectoral fin bud.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 329(1), Yokoi, H., Yan, Y.L., Miller, M.R., Bremiller, R.A., Catchen, J.M., Johnson, E.A., and Postlethwait, J.H., Expression profiling of zebrafish sox9 mutants reveals that Sox9 is required for retinal differentiation, 1-15, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.