Fig. 5 Plasma membrane retractions of skeletal muscle fibres. (A,B) Double labelling with anti-vinculin antibody (green) and phalloidin (red) in wt sibling embryos (A) and loc/ilk mutant embryos (B) at 4.5 dpf when muscle fibres detach (arrow). Inset shows vinculin staining at the tip of the f-actin filaments (inset in panel B; white arrowheads). (C?K) Double staining for phalloidin (red) and memGFP (green) as separate images or as an overlay taken from a wt embryo (C?E), an itgα7 MO injected embryo (F?H) and an ilk MO injected embryo (I?K) in a region where muscle fibres detached (arrow) at 4.5 dpf.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 318(1), Postel, R., Vakeel, P., Topczewski, J., Knöll, R., and Bakkers, J., Zebrafish integrin-linked kinase is required in skeletal muscles for strengthening the integrin-ECM adhesion complex, 92-101, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.