Figure Caption
Fig. 6 Multiple organs are displaced anteriorly in meis- and pbx4-deficient embryos. 72 hpf lzr mutant and meis-deficient embryos exhibit anterior displacement of exocrine pancreas (carboxypeptidase A, A–C) and liver (sid4, D–F) gene expression. (G–I) Anterior shifts in meis-deficient embryos can result in loss of liver-, but not islet-specific gene expression. (J, K) Posterior, dlx2-expressing arches are absent from meis-deficient embryos. Panels A–I are in lateral view; panels J, K are in dorsal view. Anterior is to the left in all panels.
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 304(1), diIorio, P., Alexa, K., Choe, S.K., Etheridge, L., and Sagerström, C.G., TALE-Family homeodomain proteins regulate endodermal sonic hedgehog expression and pattern the anterior endoderm, 221-231, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.