Fig. 8 Differentiated KV cells are absent in ntl;tbx16 double mutant and morphant embryos. (A?H) At 24 hpf, ntl mutants (B), tbx16 mutants (C) and ntl;tbx16 double mutants (D) resembled embryos injected with ntl MO (F), tbx16 MO (G) and ntl + tbx16 MO (H), respectively. (I?N) aPKC/aTubulin immunostaining of KV cells at 6?8 SS. Differentiated KV cells (arrowheads in panels I?K, M) were present in wild-type (I, M), ntl mutant (J) and tbx16 mutant (K) embryos and showed characteristic morphologies (see Fig. 2). In contrast, aPKC/aTubulin positive cells were not detected in ntl;tbx16 double mutants (L) or ntl + tbx16 MO embryos (N). (O?P) sox17 RNA expression was present in DFCs (arrow in panels O and P) in uninjected controls (O) and ntl + tbx16 morphants (P) at 70?80% epiboly stages. n = notochord.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 310(2), Amack, J.D., Wang, X., and Yost, H.J., Two T-box genes play independent and cooperative roles to regulate morphogenesis of ciliated Kupffer's vesicle in zebrafish, 196-210, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.