Fig. 2

Figures for Sun et al., 2002
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Expression of frb35 detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization in zebrafish embryo. Unless otherwise stated, anterior is to the left. (A–D) Dorsal views at 1-somite (A), 3-somite (B), 4-somite (4) and 6-somite (D), respectively. (E) Lateral view of a 6-somite embryo in (D). (F) Sagittal section at the midline of a 6-somite embryo shows the two staining domains in the prospective hindbrain. (G) Lateral view of r3 and r5 in a 14-somite embryo. (H) Lateral view of r5 in a 24-h embryo. (I) Dorsal view of r5 in a 24-h embryo. (J) Cross section through r5 of a 24-h embryo. (K) Lateral view of r5 in 2-day embryo. (L) Dorsal view of r5 in a 2-day embryo. (M) Sagittal section through r5 of a 2-day embryo. (N–P) Dorsal views of the hindbrain in 3-somite, 6-somite and 18-somite embryos that were simultaneously labeled by krx-20 (red) and frb35 (blue) probes.

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 114(1-2), Sun, Z., Shi, K., Su, Y., and Meng, A., A novel zinc finger transcription factor resembles krox-20 in structure and in expression pattern in zebrafish, 133, Copyright (2002) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.