Fig. 5

Michael et al., 2024 - A zebrafish xenotransplant model of anaplastic thyroid cancer to study the tumor microenvironment and innate immune cell interactions in vivo
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Fig. 5

T4888M ATC cell line responds to cell cycle inhibitors. (A-C) Representative 3D images of ATC tumor mass and neutrophil recruitment at 4 dpi Tg(lyzC:BFP) with DMSO control and AZD2014 treatment. Zebrafish larvae were treated with 0/1% DMSO control or 1 μm AZD2014 (Vistusertib). Scale bar= 20 μm. (D) Graph showing cell cycle phases with the PIP-FUCCI reporter normalized by the total number of cells in DMSO control and AZD2014 treatment (DMSO Control n=14, AZD2014 n=22). (E) Graph showing total number of cells in each mass in DMSO control and AZD2014 treatment (DMSO Control n=14, AZD2014 n=22). (F) Graph showing the total number of neutrophils in field of view (FOV) for the DMSO control and AZD2014 (DMSO Control n=14, AZD2014 n=18). (G) Graph showing total number of neutrophils infiltrating the mass in the DMSO control and AZD2014 (DMSO Control n=14, AZD2014 n=18). (H) Graph showing the total number neutrophils normalized by the total number of cells in each larva (DMSO Control n=14, AZD2014 n=18). Data is from at least two independent experimental replicates. Bar plots show mean ± SEM, each dot represents one larva, P-values are shown in each graph.

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