Larsb-knockin larvae display liver abnormality during the liver developmental stage. A Diagram showing the larsb genomic locus and larsb-knockin (larsb-I451F) zebrafish mutant genotype. B In the genomic sequencing analysis chromatograms, the mutation site in the larsb-I451F zebrafish is shown in red. C Morphological abnormality at 4 to 7 dpf in the livers of larsb-I451F larvae with a Tg[fabp10:mcherry] background. White arrows indicate the loss of liver edges in larsb-I451F larvae. Scale bar: 200 μm. D Relative liver area in larsb-WT (n = 15 fish) and larsb-I451F (n = 9 fish) larvae with a Tg[fabp10:mcherry] background (4 to 7 dpf). *P < 0.05. E Circularity of liver in larsb-WT (n = 15 fish) and larsb-I451F (n = 9 fish) larvae with a Tg[fabp10:mcherry] background (4 to 7 dpf). Error bars indicate SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01