−2.1prox1a_1 is the core element driving valve expression. (A) Confocal projections of the facial lymphatics labelled with Tg(−2.1prox1a_1:EGFP; XCA:DsRed2)uu5kk (cyan) and Tg(prox1a:RFP)nim5 (magenta) at 3, 5 and 7 dpf, and lack of expression in the trunk lymphatics (bottom panel) at 5 dpf. Arrowheads show expression in the developing lymphatic valve. (B) Schematic of the −2.1prox1a zebrafish and the −11Prox1 mouse enhancer. The identified sequence overlap between the two enhancers is referred to as −2.1prox1a_1 and the zebrafish unique enhancer part is referred to as −2.1prox1a_2. The TF binding site location in −2.1prox1a_1 is illustrated in the box. (C) Confocal projections of the facial and trunk lymphatics labelled with Tg(−2.1prox1a_2:EGFP;XCA:DsRed2)uu6kk (cyan) and Tg(prox1a:RFP)nim5 (magenta) at 5 dpf. Arrowheads show expression in the facial lymphatics. (D) Confocal projections of the immunostaining against Prox1 (magenta) and Tg(−5.2lyve1b:DsRed2)nz101 (cyan). Prox1 expression is detected in the valve leaflets at 5 dpf (arrowheads). Scale bars: 50 μm (A,C); 20 μm (D).