sdc4 knockdown inhibited Fibronectin expression at the injury site. Immunofluorescence staining of heart sections after cryoinjury was performed to visualize MF-20 (red), Fibronectin (green), and Hoechst (blue). MF-20 is a myosin heavy chain labeled myocardium. Hoechst labeled nuclei. Dashed line: injury site. A–D In negative control group at 3 dpci, MF-20 signals at the injury site were absence. Fibronectin signals were observed in the margin of the infarct area and partially expressed at the injury site. The large DNA fragments were detected at the injury site labeled by Hoechst. (*labeled the strong signals of Hoechst). E–H In the sdc4 siRNA group at 3 dpci, the signals of Fibronectin were nearly undetectable. Also, the Hoechst signals were absent at the injury area. I–L In the negative control group at 7 dpci, the Fibronectin signals were more highly expressed than 3 dpci of the negative control group at the injury area. M–P In the sdc4 siRNA group at 7 dpci, the reduction of Fibronectin signals was observed compared to the negative control group. Scale bar: 100 μm (dpci: days post cryoinjury)