sdc4 expression affected ECM-associated marker genes during the cardiac repair. Extracellular matrix (ECM)-associated marker genes: tgfb1a, col1a1a, mmp2, and mmp9 were examined by real-time quantitative PCR with or without sdc4 siRNA treatment at 3 and 7 dpci. A After treating sdc4 siRNA, the sdc4 gene expression was down-regulated as expected. Besides, tgfb1a and col1a1a were significantly down-regulated after sdc4 siRNA treatment at 3 dpci. B At 7 dpci, expression of sdc4, tgfb1a, and col1a1a were all significantly reduced in the sdc4 siRNA group. However, mRNA expression of mmp2 was significantly up-regulated after the sdc4 knockdown (*p < 0.05 vs. negative control; ***p < 0.005 vs. negative control; n = 8 per group) (dpci: days post cryoinjury)