Fig. 1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-240215-73
- Publication
- Jin et al., 2023 - Hhex and Prox1a synergistically dictate the hepatoblast to hepatocyte differentiation in zebrafish
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Early endoderm patterning is not obviously affected in the hhex and prox1a double mutant. A-C. WISH using foxa3, gata4, and gata6 probes on the progenies derived from the intercrosses of the male and female hhex+/? prox1a+/? double heterozygotes at 34hpf (A), 2dpf (B) and 5dpf (C). The number of total embryos genotyped (denominator) and the number of embryos exhibiting the displayed phenotype (numerator) are provided at the bottom right. Yellow outline, the foregut region giving rise to the prospective liver, pancreas and hepatopancreatic duct region. in, intestinal bulb; lv, liver primordium; pc, pancreatic bud. Scale bar, 200 ?m. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) |