RhoA signal is lost at rosette centers in mcf2lb mutants. (A,B) Fluorescent signal from the RhoA sensor line TgBAC(cxcr4b:AHPH-GFP) at 36 hpf in WT (A) and the mcf2lb mutant (B). Tg(prim:lyn2-mCherry) marks cell membranes in the migrating pLLP. Dashed lines mark the pLLP. Arrowheads indicate rosette centers and points. Note the absence of RhoA signal at the rosette centers and points in the mcf2lb mutant pLLP. (C) Quantification of RhoA signal at the center of the trailing-most rosette (point) within the migrating pLLP in WT (n=13) and mcf2lb mutants (n=10). ***P<0.001 (unpaired two-tailed t-test). Error bars are s.d. Scale bars: 20 μm.