Bioinformatic analysis of D. rerio bmp4. (A) Phylogenetic tree of BMP4 proteins was constructed using MEGA (version 11) using the neighbor-joining method and sea lamprey Bmp2 was rooted as an outgroup. The reliability of each node was estimated by bootstrapping with 1000 replications. The numbers shown at each node indicate the bootstrap values (%). The bars represent the distance. (B) Multiple alignment of zebrafish Bmp4 and other known BMP4 amino acid sequences using the Clustal W program within the MegAlign of the DNASTAR software package (version 7.1). Shaded residues are the amino acids that match the consensus. The red asterisk represents the conserved cysteines. (C) Sequence similarity and sequence divergence of the BMP4 proteins in different species. Numbers in the table are calculated using the method of Clustal W in the software package DNASTAR (version 7.1). (D) Schematic representation of the gene organization comparisons of BMP4 genes in different species. Exons are indicated with boxes and introns are represented as horizontal lines. GenBank accession numbers: Homo sapiens BMP4 (NP_001193.2); Mus musculus Bmp4 (NP_031580.2); Gallus gallus Bmp4 (NP_990568.4); Xenopus tropicalis Bmp4 (NP_001017034.2); Cyprinus carpio Bmp4 (XP_042630442.1); Callorhinchus milii Bmp4 (XP_007886339); and Petromyzon marinus Bmp2 (XP_032811632).