The increase of apoptotic activity in wdr5−/− mutant is largely dependent on the activation of p53. a Graphs showing H3K4me3 and RNA peaks at p53 locus in WT and wdr5−/− mutant embryos at 3 dpf. b The confirmation of the expression levels of full-length p53 transcript (Exon 1-4, only in full-length p53) and Δ113p53 transcript (Exon 5–12 in both full-length p53 and Δ113p53) by qRT-PCR. c Western blots detected by anti-p53 (for both p53 50 kD and Δ113p53 35kD), anti-Wdr5, or anti-β-Actin antibody in WT and wdr5−/− mutant embryos at 3 dpf. d Cryosections of WT, wdr5−/− and p53−/−;wdr5−/− embryos at 3 dpf were analyzed by TUNEL assay (in red). The nuclear was stained with DAPI (in blue). Statistical analysis on the percentages of apoptotic cells in the liver, pancreas or intestine between genotypes was showed in the right panel. L: liver; P: exocrine pancreas; I: intestine. e Cryosections of WT, wdr5−/− and p53−/−;wdr5−/− embryos at 3 dpf were immunostained by anti-Bhmt (in green). The nuclear was stained with DAPI (in blue). Framed area was magnified in bottom panel. Scale bar: 40 μm. Total cell number of liver was counted from the Bhmt-positive cells in continuous cryosections. Statistical analysis on the total cell numbers of liver between genotypes was showed in the right panel. f WISH of WT, wdr5−/− and p53−/−;wdr5−/− embryos at 3 dpf with foxa3. g WISH of WT, wdr5−/− and p53−/−;wdr5−/− embryos at 3 dpf with ebp, mgst3a, tkfc, apom and anxa4 as indicated. Each experiment was repeated for three times with similar results and a representative was showed here. n indicates the number of zebrafish embryos in each group. Data are mean ± S.D. Two-tailed t-test was applied for each individual comparison (**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001; n.s no significance).