Figure 8
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-230515-64
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- Wilson et al., 2023 - Spinal cords: Symphonies of interneurons across species
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Computational models of the lamprey, tadpole, zebrafish and mammal spinal cord networks. The region of the spinal cord modeled is indicated. Far left: lamprey CPG with excitatory interneurons (EINs), inhibitory commissural interneurons (CINs), and motor neurons (MNs). Middle left: CPG model of the tadpole with the same neuron types as the lamprey plus additional ipsilateral inhibitory neurons (aINs). Middle right: CPG of the zebrafish larva at a stage when it can perform beat-and-glide swimming. Compared to the tadpole model, this model has additional contralateral excitatory neurons. Far right: model of the mammalian spinal cord showing connections between right and left rhythm generators (red: flexor unit, F; blue: extensor unit, E) at the limb level. Turquoise circles represent excitatory interneurons while purple circles represent inhibitory interneurons. |